
How to make money in Flash Games

If you like developing flash games as fun or hobby, why not making money out of it? I have made a few flash games and I thought why not make money out of them.

Requirements to build flash games:

1. Adobe Flash. Of course flash games is made from Adobe Flash. It does cost quite a bit but is worth every penny if you know how to maximise it to its full extent. You can look for tutorials on other websites to learn how to make games such as Flashkit.

2. Knowledge in ActionScript. There are lots of tutorials just Google it if you have something you don’t know.

3. Very Good Graphics. You also need very good graphics, so the users will be addicted to the game and they.

6 Ways to make money in Flash Games:

1. Get it Sponsored

This is the most common way that game developers use to get money, If you don’t know what it is, it’s basically when a website owner of an online arcade site pays you to put their logo and a link to their site into your game. This way, they get more hits to their site, turning into revenue for them. Everybody wins, unless the game turns out to be awful, in which case only you would win. Visit Flash Game Sponsorship for more information on the subject. Also, Flash Game License is a free service which helps with the sponsorship process.

2. Self Host Your Games

Many arcade site owners are developers themselves, and make a lot of money by making their game only accessible on their site. They do this by site locking it. Money is earned through this method through the advertisements that are placed throughout the site. Probably the most successful application of this method was made by Ezone.com.

3. In-Game Advertisements

This form of money making is relatively new on the net, and has become very popular since its creation. The greatest part about this form of monetization is that you can usually use it along with one of the above methods. I myself haven’t had too much success with them (probably because my games aren’t the most popular), but if you really create an amazing game, you will definitely reap the benefits as time goes on, without doing any work. Here is a list of in-game ad services:

There have also been rumors that Google would soon join this list.

4. Sell it Commercially

This is probably the toughest way to make money from your flash game. But, it also pays the most. I’m not too sure about the details, but you probably have to sign a contract even before you make your game. But then again, I don’t know for sure. Some companies that buy games include Cartoon Network and Candystand

5. Make a Premium Version of your Game

This method has become pretty successful for some games, but I don’t really recommend it. Gamers hate it when they have to pay money for anything. All of the other methods only require either webmasters or advertisers to pay.

6. Implement API’s

This is a very easy way to make money from your games. Some websites will pay you to implement their high score API’s into your game. Hallpass and Gamebrew are both offering money for implementation of their API’s.

List of AS2/AS3 Physics Engine

I collected some AS3 Physics Engine projects listed below. If you know others not in following list reply it please.

1. Box2DFlashAS3


Box2DFlashAS3 is an open source port of Erin Catto’s powerful c++ physics library Box2D.

2. WOW-Engine

a free AS3 open source physics engine written by Seraf ( Jérôme Birembaut ) capable to handle positions in a 3D environment.use Sandy library for all the 3D mathematical computations (matrix, 3D vector, plane). The inner architecture of the engine is also inspired by Sandy’s one.

It is built with many open source kits that are emerging. It can use any of the 3 major flash 3d engines (pv3d, sandy, away3d)

3. foam-as3

a two-dimensional rigid body physics engine written in ActionScript 3.0.

It is meant as an architectural and mathematical reference for developers interested in physics simulation in the area of game development or otherwise. It trades efficiency for modularity and extensibility.

Here is the author’s blog.

4. APE


APE (Actionscript Physics Engine) is a free AS3 open source 2D physics engine for use in Flash and Flex, released under the MIT License.

You can see two interest demo at here and here.

5. Motor Physics


Motor Physics is an open source 2D physics engine under the zlib/libpng license.

6. Revive

Revive is an open source 2D physics engine.You can download the source code from here.

7. Flade (Flash Dynamics Engine)


Flade (Flash Dynamics Engine) is an open source actionscript 2.0 library for simulating 2D physics using Verlet integration. It currently features rectangular, circular, & wheel primitives, spring & angular constraints, and surfaces composed of line segments, circles, & rectangles. It’s designed primarily for games with a goal of speed and ease of use, and is MTASC -strict compatible.

8. Fisix Engine


an Actionscript 3.0 physics engine built for game developers.

The fisix engine is a verlet based physics engine for flash written in Actionscript 3.0. This engine is aimed towards use in games and other relatively cpu intensive real-time applications.

9. glaze (browse source here)

a game and physics engine for Flash,core parts of the physics solver and collision system are based on the C physics engine Chipmunk.


My Top 5 Resources for Learning ActionScript 3

After having made the switch to AS3 about a couple of months ago I have to admit it was a huge pain for me to upgrade from AS2. It just helped by someone, who made the switch, so I can easily absorb the AS3. So keep reading and learn from someone who has made the switch, it’ll make in the end learning AS3 really will make your life easier.

5. Senocular’s Getting Started with ActionScript 3.0 in Adobe Flash CS3 Tutorial

senocularAlthough Senocular states it’s still “a work in progress” this tutorial contains a ton of awesome info on learning AS3. The fifth page of the tutorial is particularly good as it gives a nice overview of classes for someone new to Object Oriented Programming. Probably the best first site you’ll want to read through for a good overview of AS3.

4. Kirupa’s ActionScript 3 Tip of the Day

kirupaLogoGIFSenocular makes the list again with his never-ending forum post of ActionScript 3 tips. Even though some of the tips are from 2006 they are still completely relevant today. I always learn something new whenever I skim through the pages.

3. gotoAndLearn()

gotoandlearnLee Brimelow is a great man. He spends his days creating videos showing you how to do things in Flash. And it’s not boring, irrelevant stuff either. It’s cool, useful stuff like using Papervision3D and Tweener. And best of all it’s completely free. Highly recommended.

2. Flash Help Documentation

helpThe help documentation inside Flash is probably the most overlooked resource. Everything you need to know is right there and it’s written surprisingly well for a help file. Lots of examples are given showing actual code usage. I constantly see people posting on forums asking how to do things when a simple search in the help file would tell them everything they wanted to know. Need to know how the drawing API works? Just look it up! It’s all there. You can even view it online.

1. Google

googleThis might sound stupidly obvious but honestly just searching on Google for what you immediately need to know is the best way to learn AS3. There are so many random blogs out there and forum postings just filled with great info about whatever you need to know. Instead of going to a specific website or picking up a certain book I always find myself just going to Google time and time again.

I know even a good programmer or the best programmer is in need of help or they need reference for anything. Just like I always thought once I became a good programmer I would just automatically know everything off the top of my head and I’d be able to just write programs straight through without referencing anything. I know it probably never will happen. Learning really is a never ending process. No matter how much you know you will constantly be thinking “What’s the best way to do this?”, “Is this even possible to do?” and “How have others solved this problem?”.

My best advice is keep practicing AS3, and start something converting some of your projects from AS2 to AS3. Even you don’t profit in practicing, but you gain experience and knowledge, which you’ll might use it someday, like me. My experience is if I need to know it to complete a project I’ll learn it – and I won’t stop until I get the solution in the problem, I keep searching and researching and reading. I bookmark the pages which is important to me, so I can open again and again, so I can always remember it. So if you wait until you “know” AS3 before taking on a AS3 project you’ll never do it. The right time to make the switch will never come. So just jump in and do it using the resources above as your guide.

- mykhel




Just testing the Picasa 3 software. This pic is taken from Fontana, Clark.

- mykhel
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Remember the psychological test of showing someone a glass poured mid-way with water, then asking him whether he sees the glass as half-full or half-empty? I don't have the statistics, but I'd wager dissatisfied workers would describe their jobs as half-empty. But to overcome career blues, we must shift our perspective to the half-full.

Look at the half-fulled glass...
There may be elements of out jobs that depress us: the salary, the boss, the co-workers, the work environment, the nature of the work itself. BUt if we look hard enough, there should be elements that make us grateful for having that job. Perhaps we have forged good friendships among our colleagues. Or there were bright spots of solid accomplishments which are proud of. At the very least, we have a regular paycheck by which to pay the bills. Remember there is no perfect glass (that is, job). Put differently, if you think a half-empty glass is bad, try unemployment, which is having no glass at all.

One may retort, "But it is still half-full! The job is not what I dream it to be.: Which brings us to the next principle.

... and fill up the glass, even if drop by drop. Yes, the glass may be half-full now. But if we keep adding droplets of water into the glass, eventually it will be spilling over the brim, In the same way, we will let nowhere if we keep on complaining about out jobs being half-empty. But if we start with the half0full and take initiative to increase this part of the lass, we will be filling up our career until it is as full as we want. Some examples:

1. Salary not enough? Job description is beneath you? Then volunteer for more tasks and responsibilities until your performance earns you a merit increase or a promotion. Be a continuous learner: read books, as a questions and if you can get extra education or training. Look for wise mentors. As I wrote in a previous column, "Is we see ourselves as victims of circumstances, we will merely endure each day and drift through life, only to die with heavy regrets. But if we embrace life as one big canvass and we are the artist, then the possibilities are almost endless. Don't limit yourself to what people say you ca and cannot do."

2. Depressing environment? Okay, maybe the wall paint is peeling off and the floor tiles are chipped. Spruce up you work station as appropriate. Put photos of your loved ones or a pot of eye-pleasing flowers on your desk. Or tack an inspiring poster on your cubicle wall.
Viktor Frankl was a German Jew who suffered horribly in a Nazi concentration camp. Yet he discovered that his surrounding did not have to shape his response. He chose to be gracious rather than be bitter. So can we.
3. Difficult boss? Instead of backbitting him with you fellow malcontents, earn his trust and goodwill little by little. Start with some honest soul-searching: did you do or say something which ticked him off? Adapt to his temperament or idiosyncrasies. Anticipate his needs and go the extra mile. Remember, usually one learns his best lessons from tough bosses.

Make peace with your glass.
Not all have the luxury of choosing his career. Many times we accept a profession becauseof family need or expectations. A man may be a doctor or lawyer because his father wants him to follow his footsteps. Or he toils as a lowly clerk because he has to pay for his mother's medical bills or sibling's tuition. But deep inside, the man dreams of being a novelist or pilot. So he endures his "real" job until blessed retirement... but it was still his choice.

One of the greatest lessons I learned is: everyone has a choice, but learn to accept the consequences of your choices. So if we are in a hob because we "have to," make peace with it. Replace grumbling or regrets with the satisfaction of turning each work into a masterpiece... even it it is not the work we prefer for now.
Don't compare glasses.

Have you heard of a diseases called
compareitis? We compare out career with some else. The other guy;s glass looks like an exquisitely designed wine goblet, while ours is a plain cylinder holding dull water. This is a guaranteed recipe for discontentment, By all means, be inspired by someone's success and learn his secrets. But never succumb to the green-eyed monster.

Focus instead on the glass we now have and keep filling it. Who knows? In due tie, career breakthrough will come our way and we will be gifted with a brand glass. If we have been faithful to fill up the glass we were previously given, it should be no problem - even fun - to fill up the new one.

In the end, whatever kind of glass we are given or how much water is inside, don't forget to celebrate life. I invite you to raise your glass and toast to your career. May your glass be filled to overflowing!

- Nelson T. Dy

- This article by Nelson Dy really relates me. I'm not the person who easy to believe with anyone, but right now I'm agreeing what Mr. Dy's said. It reminds me when I'm in Wideout. I have to resign or give up my career in Wideout because of salary and career development issues. It's hard to decide that time. But what motivated me to decide to transfer? Of course my family, I'm doing this for them. Right now, I'm still missing Wideout.

- mykhel


TRGT046_0709_BTS_Awareness - build

I am proud because I got 3 consecutive campaigns without revisions for 3 days. Thanks to my parents, they blessed me with this talent.

TRGT046_0709_BTS_Awareness (ORANGE CAMPAIGN)


Today's progress:
3 unit expandable - build
complexity level 2
# revs = 0

- mykhel

VOL003_Q3_Expands - build


1. Volvo-Q3_300x250_EN_EXP.mtf
2. Volvo-Q3_300x250_FR_EXP.mtf
3. Volvo-Q3_728x90_EN_EXP.mtf
4. Volvo-Q3_728x90_FR_EXP.mtf

Today's progress:
4 unit expandable - build
complexity level 2
# revs = 0

- mykhel

SNY096_0709_District9 - build

SNY096_0709_District9 (ORANGE CAMPAIGN)

a. SNY096_D9_Masthead.mtf

Today's progress:
1 unit expandable - build
complexity level 2
# revs = 0

- mykhel


FLASH - AIM Status changer

This is kewl.

While listening, this will set your AIM status with what you are listening.

Source code can be download soon. =D

- mykhel


GOOG002_0609_Mobile URL - build

Only 30 mins to build. ahehe!

GOOG002_0609_Mobile URL

Today's progress:
1 unit expandable - build
complexity level 2
# revs = 0

- mykhel


PANA002_0609_FunSign2 - Build

Finally i sent this one to QA.

I hate this unit 'coz it is using "addExpandingPanel" command. and for me, that command is holy crap, it's full of bugs.

Well I finished this unit because of "daya" ahaha. I add delay to call the expand() and when rolloff to the add I clear the delay to expand(). ahaha tricky but kewl :D


Today's build:
2 unit multi-directional expand - build
complexity level 3
# revs = 1

Because this has ton of tracking events, the QA took 2-3 hrs to test this ad.

My OT is 9:00

I also got 1 unit.

COM001_Compass Bank_BBVA_Expand - build

Simple expaning unit with 1 video. I finished this one early w/o hustle ahaha "yabang".

But since it is medium priority, I'll send this one on QA nightshift.

- mykhel


PANA002_0609_FunSign2 - Build

I hope this will be the last time to see this campaign again:
Suave002_MIND_Skin_Tandem With Overlay
Because of my carelessness, i forgot to change my fps =( so it cause me 2 revisions =(

And after I finished the Suave, I have this PANA its hard to build.

The client want multidirectional expand, from their crap asset. It's really hard to fixed this one.

As ussual i got OT again.
OT - 730

No URL yet.

2 unit multi-directional expand - build
complexity level 3

- mykhel


Suave002_MIND_Skin_Tandem With Overlay - Build

I don't wanna see this ad again.

I hate font shifts. It's suck!!! =(

Simple local connection with pre-expand and expandable units. It's not hard to build, but tags' propagation really suck.


2 unit expand - build

- mykhel


INFI036_0609_Round33_RUSH - Revisions


It's really hard to fix units which you were not built.

And additional to my burdern is the propagation time, it took me an hour to test if my fixed was OK.



1 unit - revisions

OT: 7pm - 30mins late ='(

- mykhel


DoubleClick Studio - Testing Expanding

No work, but i keep studying STUDIO. and helping Eunice :D

prev link:

Wideout Studio Training

Wideout Training Test

Creative Name:

Creative Format:
Format Type: Expanding

Creative Info:
ID: 18521

- When previewing on IE, I can't see full previews, but it has horizontal and vertical scroller bar. But it is hustle to use.
I dont know if i got mistake from making preview link, but I saw other expanding ads, it is similar on mine.
- It's very similar to Motif AdKit, so, no hustle found on simple expanding.
- I will testing more harder expanding ad.

- mykhel


my flookie sample with mp3 player

- this is expandable. click expand button to add playlist
- sample mp3:
- just for testing flookie. if there are bugs found im gonna fix it soon.

- mykhel



- my practice of HD/Fullscreen at wideout.

- mykhel



- tracking generator
- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

- mykhel

ascii converter

- ascii converter

- mykhel



- Welcome to my flash TEXT SCROLLER... Get this kewl flash scroller for your own profile web pages. You can customise your scroller text by editing textfields below, and get the codes.
- Just Copy the codes and Paste it to wherever web pages you wanted.

- mykhel


Pinoy Jokes

- Web Gadget: Flash Pinoy Jokes
- Press Random for random jokes. Press RSS for weekly jokes.
- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

- mykhel


Daily Horoscope

- Web Gadget: Flash Daily Horoscope
- To calculate your daily horoscope, it requires to enter your name and birthday
- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

- mykhel


Birthday Countdown

- You need access code to use the database. You can't add neither remove from data if you haven't have the code.
- To add data. it requires, Title/Name, and the date.

- mykhel


mp3 green

Flash mp3 player with skin.

- I'm sorry, if you found bugs on firefox. This was only tested on IE6. And the speed of the server is crap. But the mp3 will update soon. LOL.
- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

Enjoy listening.

- mykhel



One of my Flash Solitaire Game. It is called "PYRAMID".

This solitaire is originated in Philippines. It was taught by my late father. I start developing The Pyramid because of him, so i won't forget him. Thanks tatay.

- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

- mykhel


Wideout Sudoku

A Flash Sudoku game.

The name and logo is from Wideout Technology Services. This game is nothing to do with their business of Wideout. I did this because i just wanna make a fun games. Any legal concern and liabilities, do not consult me neither contact me.

- To save this from your desktop, right click here, and select "Save link as"

- mykhel


My Flash Mp3 Player.

This is my first mp3 player. Created Jan. 14, 2009 at Wideout office. I dedicated the songs to Tin2.

Hope she likes it.


- mykhel